console.log("pix : debug"); const scriptUrl = new URL(document.currentScript.src); const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(new URL(scriptUrl).search); const shop = urlParams.get("shop"); var varientid = urlParams.get("varientid"); var pix_product_id = urlParams.get("productid"); //const addtocartstring = urlParams.get("addtocartstring"); const addtocartstring = "Add to cart"; var isListenToInput = false; var pix_host =; console.log("pix : script url : " + scriptUrl); console.log("pix : script urlParams : " + urlParams); console.log("pix : script shop : " + shop); console.log("pix : script varientid : " + varientid); console.log("pix : script pix_product_id : " + pix_product_id); console.log("pix : script addtocartstring : " + addtocartstring); //var pix_product = window.ShopifyAnalytics.meta.product; var pix_preorder; var selectedVariant; var listOfOnVariants = []; runpixpreorderapp(); function runpixpreorderapp() { var pix_url = "" + pix_host + "&productid=" + pix_product_id; fetch(pix_url) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((result) => { pix_preorder = result.preorder; // preorder.buttonText getaddtocartbtn(varientid, addtocartstring, pix_preorder); }); } function getaddtocartbtn(varientid, btnaddtocartstring, preorder) { const inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input"); // get select inputs and add them to inputs const selects = document.getElementsByTagName("select"); // Convert the collections to arrays const inputArr = Array.from(inputs); const selectArr = Array.from(selects); // Concatenate the arrays const allInputs = inputArr.concat(selectArr); for (var j = 0; j < allInputs.length; j++) { if (allInputs[j].value == varientid) { // console.log(inputs[j].value) // listent to this input if change value if (isListenToInput == false) { listentoinputs(allInputs[j]); isListenToInput = true; } const form = allInputs[j].form; const buttons = form.getElementsByTagName("button"); const btninpusts = form.getElementsByTagName("input"); // Convert the collections to arrays const buttonArr = Array.from(buttons); const btninpustArr = Array.from(btninpusts); // Concatenate the arrays const allbuttons = buttonArr.concat(btninpustArr); for (var i = 0; i < allbuttons.length; i++) { if ( allbuttons[i].textContent.includes(btnaddtocartstring) || allbuttons[i].value == btnaddtocartstring ) { //console.log(buttons[i]) // return buttons[i] // check if show == true if ( == true) { // check if current varient show == true => { => { console.log( "" + + "varientid : " + varientid ); if (variant.toggel == true && == varientid) { render(allbuttons[i], preorder.buttonText, form); } }); }); } } } } } } function render(addtocartbtn, preorderstring, form) { // edit text in button to preorder text var btnaddtocart = addtocartbtn; var addToCartText = btnaddtocart.innerText.toLocaleLowerCase(); var newElement = btnaddtocart.innerHTML .toLocaleLowerCase() .replaceAll(addToCartText, preorderstring); btnaddtocart.innerHTML = newElement; // add css style to button = "background-color: " + pix_preorder.colorBackground + "; border: " + pix_preorder.borderWidth + "px solid " + pix_preorder.colorBorder + "; padding-top: " + pix_preorder.paddingTop + "px; padding-bottom: " + pix_preorder.paddingBottom + "px; color: " + pix_preorder.colorFont + "; border-radius: " + pix_preorder.borderRadius + "px;"; // add label if (pix_preorder.preOrderPlacment == "Above") { addtocartbtn.parentElement.innerHTML = "" + pix_preorder.preOrderMessage + "" + addtocartbtn.outerHTML; } if (pix_preorder.preOrderPlacment == "Below") { addtocartbtn.parentElement.innerHTML = addtocartbtn.outerHTML + "" + pix_preorder.preOrderMessage + ""; } if (document.getElementById("pixpreorderinp") == null) { if (pix_preorder.sellingPLanId != "0") { // add sellingplan id input varient console.log("op"); console.log(form); // Create the input element const input = document.createElement("input"); input.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); input.setAttribute("name", "selling_plan"); input.setAttribute("id", "pixpreorderinp"); input.setAttribute("value", pix_preorder.sellingPLanId); // Append the input element to the form form.appendChild(input); } } else { if (pix_preorder.sellingPLanId != "0") { document.getElementById("pixpreorderinp").value == pix_preorder.sellingPLanId; } } } function listentoinputs(element) { element.addEventListener("change", (event) => { const newValue =; // set the new varient id varientid = newValue; // clear my past sellingplan id input if (document.getElementById("pixpreorderinp") != null) { document.getElementById("pixpreorderinp").remove(); } runpixpreorderapp(); console.log(`The value of the element has changed to ${newValue}`); // check if varient have sellingplan id then insert input if not delete input }); }